Public speaking



For the Opening of the Academic Year of Radboud University I was asked to give a speech on the topic of 'Freedom'. My speech was a personal story in which I spoke about my experience as an LGTBQ+ woman. The story contained an important message: we all have unique experiences of the world and different perspectives on life, yet not everyone has the same freedom in expressing those perspectives and it is important to realize that. So do not make assumptions, ask questions and listen. Together we can create a better world. 

Together with Hilde Remmers and Ilja van Geelen, we found a way to let the words come alive through image, dance, and music. It was an honor and a great pleasure to be able to create and tell a story so close to my heart, with such a creative team and in such a powerful way. 


Opening Academic Year 2021-2022 Radboud University


6 September 2022

Collaborated with:

Hilde Remmers (musician), Ilja van Geelen (choreographer, dancer)


Leven als je weet dat je doodgaat

In the podcast series "Life When You Know You're Dying" (translated), we listen to people who are incurably ill, their loved ones or next of kin.

Over three years ago, my stepfather Hugo died of cancer. During his intensive, difficult, but also surprisingly beautiful period of illness, we talked a lot at home about what it means to be incurably ill and about quality of life. Driven by these conversations, I started researching these themes through the multi-year Faculty Honors Program of the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies. I conducted my research under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Wils.

During my research, I went through medical protocols on quality of life and palliative care and talked to doctors, but the most important perspective was still missing: that of the people themselves.

This led me to De Levensclub, a platform where stories come together from people about living when you know you're dying, and from their loved ones and survivors.

In this podcast series, some of these people share their diverse, extraordinary and sometimes poignant stories in order to offer recognition and support to those who need it, and to provide the personal perspective that is sometimes lacking in research.

In addition, we hope you will take these stories and questions to the kitchen table, school or work. What does quality of life really mean to you?

Available on:

Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube

Date of publication:

March 2024

In collaboration with:

De Levensclub