Visual storytelling

2022 / Hawai’i

Event ‘Soulday’

Soulday is a weekly spiritual event on the island of O'ahu in Hawai'i. This video means to give an idea of what Soulday is, why it is organized and what it means for people that come there. In the video the main organizers Arash and Christopher are being interviewed, but this event is possible thanks to all the other curators and co–creators.

2022 / Hawai’i

Interview with Raymond Brown

In 2022, I started a series on YouTube in which I interview people with a particularly interesting or inspiring philosophy of life. These are people I meet throughout my daily life. This video I speak with Raymond Brown. Ray is a musician. I met him on O'ahu, Hawai'i. His philosophy of life is intricately linked with music. The way he talks about life, his philosophy and the role that music plays in his life inspires me to this day. Every time I watch this conversation again, I learn more from it.

2022 / Hawai'i

Interview: Amber on Yoga and Spirituality

We are all different, we have different cultural backgrounds, come from different generations, live in different places and we have different perspectives on the world and on life. But we are also all human beings that have similar experiences and do similar human things, such as cooking dinner. That is what we have tried to capture in this short film in which we follow three different households while they cook dinner.

This film was produced for and screened at Hawai'i Pacific University (HPU).

2022 / Hawai'i

Shortfilm: The Dinner

We are all different, we have different cultural backgrounds, come from different generations, live in different places and we have different perspectives on the world and on life. But we are also all human beings that have similar experiences and do similar human things, such as cooking dinner. That is what we have tried to capture in this short film in which we follow three different households while they cook dinner.

This film was produced for and screened at Hawai'i Pacific University (HPU).



Interview with Ricardo from Hobi Hostel in Sao Paulo

Coming in 2024

Coming on YouTube

While travelling in Brazil I stayed either with friends or in hostels. In São Paulo I was staying in a hostel. The owner, Ricardo, greatly helped me out with a problem I had with Brazilian phone company. That evening we ended up ordering pizza and talking for hours. We shared stories and talked about life. The way Ricardo spoke about his life and his vision for the hostel inspired me, so the next day we did an interview.

Isku Kua is the chief of Nova Esperanza, a Yawanawa village in the middle of the rainforest located in the Yawanawa Territory in the state Acre, Brazil. Together with the community, chief Isku Kua has opened the Vakehuhu Children’s Center to revive the Yawanawa cultural traditions and language. I have interviewed Isku Kua about this initiative, its importance for indigenous peoples, but also about the importance of preserving and reviving indigenous cultures around the world for the purpose of climate change - something he also spoke about at the COP27 in Egypt. The interview will be uploaded in February.

Interview with Yawanawa Chief Isku Kua

Coming in 2024

Coming on YouTube